Matthew Leonard

February 3, 2021

Matthew Leonard

February 3, 2021

Grab a seat in the pew with Matthew Leonard and me as we talk about prayer and what part it plays in our relationship with Christ.

I want to start this bonus episode off by saying thank you so much to all the patrons and supporters that have recently joined us, as well as those who have been here from the beginning.

Thanks to your support we have been able to do more video interviews and this week we have a special interview with Matthew Leonard. So many of you have been asking me to do something on prayer and this week I finally get to answer that request!

In this bonus episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to begin to pray and where to start
  • Why prayer should happen daily
  • How to grow in our spiritual maturity through communication with the Lord

Matthew Leonard is a catholic speaker and the founder of Next Level Catholic Academy –

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NEW! The Narrow Road
I’ve created a brand new resource for guys called “The Narrow Road.” It’s a monthly booklet and accompanying videos to help guys live a live of virtue and holiness. The first issue comes out in March. Read all about it here:



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