About John
Like so many men, I vowed to be a better person, husband and father time and time again. It wasn’t until I felt the presence of Jesus as I walked out of a jail cell that I realized how much I wanted to change and how I could only do that with His help. Since that time, I’ve taken a journey to grow closer to Christ. I invite other Catholic men to accompany me as we follow the path God has set before us.
John has helped start or revive over a dozen successful men’s ministries. He’d love to come to your parish, give a retreat and train your guys to build and lead a flourishing men’s group. Get in contact with us today, and let’s get your group rolling!
the Podcast
We don’t shy away from the tough topics; we approach them straight on in a relatable way. Every podcast from Just a Guy in the Pew is meant to help men become who God has intended them to be. It’s not always easy, but we’re in this together.