I Want To See!: Why Vulnerability Matters

October 29, 2024

I Want To See!: Why Vulnerability Matters

October 29, 2024

Today’s episode is a special one—it’s a heartfelt look at the power of vulnerability, the journey of healing, and the courage it takes to truly cry out to Jesus.

Today’s episode is a special one—it’s a heartfelt look at the power of vulnerability, the journey of healing, and the courage it takes to truly cry out to Jesus. This week has been full of travel and connection as I visited multiple cities, witnessing firsthand how God is moving through men’s ministries and drawing us all toward healing and restoration.

We dive into the story of Blind Bartimaeus in the Gospel of Mark—one man’s encounter with Jesus that reminds us all of the importance of being vulnerable and bold in asking for the help we need. In today’s world, we’re often told to ‘suck it up’ and carry on alone, but Bartimaeus’ story calls us to something deeper. When everyone else tried to silence him, he cried out even louder. In that moment, Bartimaeus showed us the true meaning of courage and faith: daring to believe that Jesus wants to meet us in our brokenness and bring us wholeness.


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Hello. Welcome back to the Pew everybody. I’m your host, John. Edwards and I’m excited to be in the studio again this week, bringing you another episode of just to get on the pew. Thank you for always coming back. Thank you for choosing to listen to us and thank you for just being here every week alongside of us as we journey through our own faith and through life and looking to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

So. I am a little bit delirious this morning over the last week. I’ve been from Memphis to Atlanta, to Tallahassee, to Chicago, to Indianapolis, to Muncie, to Newark, New Jersey, where I returned from late last night at about one in the morning, the Lord had us go to Muncie for another men’s conference for, for their men’s conference.

We’ve been there a month ago, launching a group and doing a Pierce mission. And they invited us back to the group. They were able to. To add to that group number through the conference. So now they have the sons of St. Joseph that they started, excuse me, the men of St. Joseph that they started and they’ve already had their first successful meeting.

So they’re off to the races there. All praise be Jesus Christ for his work there. And through this ministry to help get something for men there where there was nothing, then I went and, uh, I came back a week ago, Saturday night. Left Sunday morning for the JP two, uh, healing centers, team retreat. Dr. Bob put together a treat for all the team members, everybody that’s involved.

It was a wonderful time of, of just, uh, rest and relaxation, but also growth as a team and, uh, especially there on the, on the feast day of the patron saint of St. John Paul the second. So I got back from that on Wednesday. I was here Thursday taking care of some stuff in the ministry and being with my family.

And then I left Friday. to go and do our third diocesan deanery leadership summit in partnership with my good friend Adam Carlisle in the diocese of Metuchen. This time it was in the Round Valley, Round Valley Deanery. We had over 60 men from multiple parishes there with deacons and everybody alongside them.

And we spent a day, uh, just training and teaching them to go back and, and equipping them with our methodology to go back and build life changing, vibrant ministry to men. Folks, the Lord is using our ministry to in an amazing way. Not only are we partnering with other ministries like, uh, the JP2 Healing Center, and we worked alongside of the Knights of Columbus and Metuchen this past weekend, but we’re also utilizing what God has given us in this methodology to go and help men implement ministry to men that’s going to be life changing and help pull men out of darkness and into the light, help them find restoration and healing.

The Lord is using it to do all of that. And folks, we are in more demand than we ever have been. That’s why I wanted to take a minute here to just tell you that giving tuesday is coming up It’s on december the 3rd this year and actually early giving starts on november the 18th. And so I would like all of you to consider Uh giving to us on giving tuesday.

You can start early on november the 18th It’s kind of like early voting I guess but Uh, you can go to the show notes in this episode and find our link to be able to go there and on november the 18th And afterwards, uh, you can start giving to our ministry At least one time monthly whatever you want to do, but every bit of it helps you can see in just the last week Everywhere we’ve been multiple cities doing multiple things to help people to help ourselves to be better Evangelists and and better ministers for what the lord wants us to do So we are in more demand than ever we’re going to bring on some evangelists, but that costs money Therefore that is our goal this year is to raise over fifty thousand dollars to bring on a fellow evangelist that I already have in mind and have spoken to so we can go out and reach more parishes, work in more diocese.

And, uh, we could do the things that the Lord has called us to do and help men find that healing and restoration and authentic friendship with Christ and each other so that they can become the men they’re called to be. So folks check that out. Of course, you can become a monthly partner in the pew at any time for our ministry by going to, uh, www dot.

Donorbox. org slash pew are going directly to just to get on the pew. com and uh, clicking the donate button at the top of the website. Folks, if you’d like us to help you in your parish or in your diocese or archdiocese, get something going for men. That’s what we love to do. That’s what we’re called to do and that’s how we spend our time.

So you can do that and get with us and sign up for a call with me. Find out more information by going to just a guy in the pew. com. So folks, thank you for being with me again. As I said in the beginning of the episode, thank you for listening to that. I just couldn’t let a week go by, even though, like I said, I’m delirious.

So if I make mistakes or, or say something or have a lot of us today, it’s cause, uh, I haven’t had a lot of sleep in the last week, but the Lord moved my heart through the gospel reading. Um, Yesterday when I was in Metuchen, I went to a vigil mass because I knew that I’d be flying and coming in late last night and I wanted to rest a little bit this morning before I got up to do this podcast.

So I went and there was a wonderful priest that gave a wonderful homily on this. But the reading itself and also just some of the things he said stirred in me a way to look at this gospel reading from this past Sunday, uh, in a different light. So as you know, the reading was on the blonde, uh, Bartimaeus.

It was there in Mark chapter 10 verses 46 through 52. And it’s something that a lot of us have read before we’ve heard before. And there’s. Two versions of this actually in matthew matthew uses it in the beginning of the gospel and then comes back Before jesus enters into jerusalem, and he talks about two blind men there But it’s believed that uh, he he found those stories from mark and expounded on those now He was there with jesus where mark wasn’t but he utilized the the uh, the version that mark had of it Uh and placed it in different places in his gospel If you read the notes and and most of the bibles that have notes out there, it’ll it’ll talk and confirm about that but Really what, what struck me is just, you know, the thing about, I talk to people all the time about reading the Bible and it being the living word of God is you may read something a hundred times, but each time, if you’re praying about it and asking the Lord to speak at your heart, you’re in a different place in your life.

And so the Lord meets you in a different way in that verse, right? And so you may hear something completely different six months ago than you do now, if you read it. That’s why as Catholics, we need to be in the Bible each and every day because the Lord has a message for us, right? And it’s not just in the gospel readings.

But any time of taking prayerful time to read through scripture The lord always wants to tell us something and that’s how we get to know him I always talk about relationship with christ and people say well, how do I do that? And you know i’m quick to say what you know Pope benedict the 16th said through through prayer through the liturgical life of the church and through scripture Uh, and oftentimes scripture is the last thing that we we’re in we kind of have that magnificent life where we just read the that myth the readings of the day or You Or whatever, but if we’re not going to mass every day, then we’re missing a lot of the story.

So it’s awesome to get in the, in the gospels and to just, even if you’re just playing Russian roulette with the Bible, flipping the Bible open and saying, Lord, what do you want to say to me in this today? And reading until he stirs and moves your heart. So that’s what I was doing. I went and started reading through the gospel and it moved me and you know This is one where i’m going to read through it very quickly And then I want to get into some points that the lord spoke to me and hopefully it will you’ll find it as a help to you So it starts in uh, mark 10 verses 48 It says they came to Jericho and as he was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a sizable crowd Bartimaeus a blind man the son of Timaeus Sat by the roadside begging on hearing that it was Jesus of Nazareth He began to cry out and say Jesus son of David have pity on me and many rebuked him Many rebuked him telling him to be silent, but he kept calling out all the more son of David have pity on me Jesus stopped and said, Call him.

So they called the blind man, saying to him, Take courage, get up, he is calling you. He threw aside his cloak, sprang up, and came to Jesus. Jesus said to him in reply, What do you want me to do for you? The blind man replied to a master, I want to see. Jesus told him go on your way your faith has saved you Immediately, he received a sight and followed him on the way.

So there’s a couple things I want to say here First of all, we’re always talking about healing in this ministry It’s a big part of my of my journey, right? All of you know of my struggles of drugs and addiction and alcohol and porn and if you don’t Then you’re finding out about it now, I guess but I’ve always and I always talk about healing and vulnerability in those things Because that is what sets us on a path to changing our lives to getting past our wounds to healing from our wounds Uh, but so often we’re afraid to ask jesus for help right for so so often like when we talk about things and we say Man, I’m really struggling or I’m having a hard time.

A lot of people in this world and, and even in our family and in relationships can say, Oh, you’ll be all right. You’re fine. Just suck it up. Right? Just, just go on about your business. Just put your head down and work and, and move forward. And that’s all you need. You’ll get over it. Right? We all have trouble.

We all have problems. And so what do we do as men? Like for most of our life, we’ve been told to shove all that stuff down and it never gets any better. In fact, it festers and it affects the rest of our body. Right? And so. I love this passage because here you see a man who’s sitting on the side of the road and he’s afflicted and he’s been that way for we don’t know how long.

And he’s begging. He’s doing the best he can to survive. And sometimes that can feel like our own lives where we’re just doing what we can to make it through this life. Right. But there’s parts of us that are broken. There’s parts of us that aren’t healed and we’ve gotten so used to it that we just have that way of life.

And then one day. A miracle happens jesus walks out of this town and right past where he’s going And this man finds out that it’s jesus and he sees he knows that he has a chance He has a faith to believe in this man that he’s heard about because everyone’s heard about jesus And all the miraculous thing that’s going on that jesus is doing with the the healing of folks And so this man starts to call out and he starts to cry out And what does Jesus do?

What, well, first of all, what do people do be quiet? Like, stop it. Just sit there and shake your, your can of change. Like you always do stop yelling and calling out for people. And instead this blind man’s like, you know what? This may be my only chance. So he starts to scream, son of David, have pity on me, Jesus, son of David have pity on me.

So. While people are telling to be quiet, this man has this courageousness, this courage, right? To, to simply say, no, I’m not like, I’m tired of being this way. I’m tired of the things in my life. I can’t fix them on my own. I need help. And here’s help. This is, this, this is the, the epitome of help right in front of me.

And I will not be quiet, right? I’m sick of this. I want to be healed and I’m going to do everything in my power to do that. So people tell him to be quiet. And people tell him to continue to be quiet and he calls out louder and louder and they’re rebuking him But he calls out all the more right he refuses to be stopped He has this courageousness about him.

He has this courage and finally in his life He just wants to be honest and he wants to be vulnerable And he’s pouring himself out to Jesus, but how often, as I said, again, do we, as men, we, we feel that urge, but then we listen to the devil. We listen to other people in our lives and we say, you know what?

No, this is just the way it is. And there’s no possibilities for me to be better, to be healed. I just need to be quiet and get in line and just deal with a lot in life that I’ve been given. And sometimes, folks, we can even feel guilty asking Jesus for anything. Like, no, it’s not right of me to go to the Lord and say, Lord, I want this, I need this.

Because we’ve been told to be a gift and when we ask for something, it can make us feel guilty for asking Christ for something. But Jesus says in other places, ask and it shall be given to you, knock and the door shall be opened, seek and you shall find. Jesus knows full well what we need. And he’s not withholding anything from us But for us to think that asking him for what we really need and especially in situations where we need healing And we’re hurting and we’re acting out of wounds and and all we want is for him to come into those Situations and to do what we cannot to do something for us that we cannot do for ourselves It is not bad to ask jesus for what we need Now i’m not saying jesus.

I really really really want a ferrari. Please bring me one That’s not what we’re talking about here. But lord i’ve been dealing i’ve been struggling like please come into this and do what I cannot What I cannot do do for me what I cannot do for myself That is a beautiful prayer that the lord waits and longs to hear and so this man like He finally gets this point and he realizes.

Oh, here is jesus physically in front of me This son of David, this miracle worker, this, this man that could do anything and has brought healing to so many people. And he finally has the vulnerability to go, you know what? I can’t fix myself. I can’t fix my lot in life So i’m going to do everything I can to call out to jesus and tell him of my great need He has this call to honesty and it spurs him into into courage to call out and to cry out And so what happens?

People tell him no, no, no be quiet. Be quiet. Just like the world tells us you don’t need jesus figure it out on your own Just just you know, here’s these methods of the world that make you feel better Here’s comfort and all these things right just just live in this stuff. You don’t need jesus You

But all the more when we try to figure out on our own and we fail and fail again Then the world tells us we’re failures and we’re not good enough It’s a never ending vicious cycle But we need healing and jesus is the great healer. That’s what he says in isaiah 61 Right. The spirit of the lord god is upon me He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to free those in prison to unloose the bound Right, this is who jesus is and so we have to realize this in our life and this man shows us How exactly to go about this?

right, it’s Is so amazing because he continues no matter what people are saying and in the face of adversity He still says no I need to be healed and I know jesus wants to heal me and i’m going to bring this to him and no matter what Nobody or anything is going to stop me And so finally jesus hears him and jesus stops and he said he says call him So he tells his disciples and who knows maybe even some of them are like hey, man, we’re busy Right because all of us could get like that in our own spiritual life We have the ability to help people but we can just be like, you know what i’m busy You And sometimes for me, it’s like I’m busy doing ministry stuff.

I’m too busy to help somebody because I’m doing ministry stuff, right? It’s just we can get in that mindset in that mode. And so the disciples, Jesus tells them to call him and he does. They do. And so the man comes to them. It says they go to the man and they call the blind man saying to him, take courage, get up.

He is calling you. Well, I would already say the man had courage because he’s screaming and yelling for Jesus and then what happens When this man knows that Jesus is there for his to help him and he doesn’t even know that Jesus will but he knows That Jesus is there and he knows that Jesus is merciful.

And then what does he do? It says he threw aside his cloak sprang up and came to Jesus So as soon as he thought there was even a possibility Of going to Jesus for healing he sprang up as a blind man jumped up from where he was and threw off his cloak Right? What does that signify to me? What did that speak to me?

How many times are we wrapping ourselves in things and this comfort and these things that are just temporary? Things that might make us feel better for a moment There’s safety blankets of things that we return to and maybe that’s your alcohol. Maybe that’s your drugs Maybe that’s your porn and you’ve wrapped yourself because you’re just trying to feel better.

You’re just trying to numb the pain You’re just trying to to hide things to to convince yourself that you’re fine You You’re just trying to feel better than you do. And so we wrap ourselves in this stuff, but this man knew after so long that nothing was helping him. Those blankets and the things that he had wrapped around him, his garments, his cloak, they weren’t doing anything but hiding the pain.

And so in this moment when he realizes Jesus is there and that Jesus wants to heal him more than anything, or at least that he’s healed others and there’s a chance that he would do the same for him, he throws off the things that have bound him, right? He throws off the things that he’s used for comfort and he springs up and says, all I need is Jesus, right?

That’s what this action says. It’s this heroic call for all of us is this courageous honesty and vulnerability to say like nothing I’ve been doing is going to work and I can’t help myself. And all I’m doing is sitting here in this when Jesus is there and he has a desire to heal me. He has a desire to bring me into wholeness.

And folks, this is who Jesus is. And this is what he wants to do for each and every one of you. This is what I found in my own journey. This is what he continues to do in my own life. I witnessed it time and time again, when I go to help these men in men’s groups and launch these groups where they can find healing and restoration.

I see it in the work that we do with Dr. Bob and especially in the work that Dr. Bob and his team do through healing the whole person and through the books and all the other things that they do. But this man says, I’m no longer going to wrap myself in this falseness that doesn’t do anything to actually heal me.

And so he throws it off. And this is a call in all of our lives to just recklessly say, you know what, no more. No more self medication, no more crutches in my life. I’m going straight to Jesus and I’m going to pour myself out in love of him to say, please, please heal me because I know you could do it and I know you desire to write.

This is this man believing that Jesus is who he claims to be and that’s the same thing we need to do in our life. It’s believed that Jesus is, it’s not just some story and a good idea. Jesus Christ is healing personified. He is truth personified. He is love personified. I am the way I am the truth. I am the life This is what he says to us and this is what he means and so we have to have the courage To look those wounds in the face those places that are hard for us those places that bring pain to us Look them in the eye and then bring jesus into it with them Because he’s the one that’s going to walk into that with you and bring you out the other side folks This is what this man shows us.

And so he throws aside his cloak. He gives up on everything says i’m done with all this He springs up You Because he’s excited at the possibility of finally being healed and then he runs to jesus and jesus says What do you want me to do for you? And this is the question that Jesus asked all of us. And I can just imagine his piercing eyes, right?

These eyes of our merciful and loving Lord, who already knows what this man wants, but takes the time in his abundant mercy to just ask the man, what do you want from me? Tell me. Let me hear it from your mouth and have the faith and the courage to present it to me. Jesus waits for us to ask him for the things that we need.

And again, I’m not talking about some prosperity gospel, Jesus give me a million dollars. I’m talking about the things in our life, the very things that are holding us back from keeping us from being the people that he created us to be, for our family, for those around us, but most importantly, for keeping us from being the disciples that he needs us to be.

Because that’s the thing, when we receive healing, it’s not like we just run off into the distance and go, thanks, I’m healed, Jesus. Thank you, see you later. No, it’s a gift and it’s a call to then go out and share that gift with others, right? So this man is excited and he jumps up and Jesus says what do you want me to do for you?

And he replies to a master. I want to see I want to see and there’s so many metaphors here right like he wants to be open to the to the kingdom to the to the vision of Christ and the vision for the for the for the kingdom of God But it is utmost, sorry I can’t even speak, I told you I was delirious, at the utmost truth he wants to just physically be able to see.

And how many of us want to say, Jesus, like, I want to see the world like you, but I also, I want to stop being angry. I want to quit hating people. I want to quit judging people. I want to forgive the people that hurt me in the way that they have. I want to quit hurting people, Lord. Please, I want to see, I want to see the way that you do, and I want to be healed.

Please make me whole, right? Make me whole. That’s what this man is saying to him. This man is saying to him. And so Jesus, he says, he says to Jesus, master, I want to see. So he’s calling him Lord and saying, basically, I know you have the ability to do this, this faith that this man has. And how many times has Jesus healed people?

And he goes, your faith has healed you. He says it again here. Jesus told him, go your way. Your faith has saved you. And I find that interesting too. That really spoke to me because it says, go your way. Jesus doesn’t say, follow me. He says, go your way. So basically Jesus does this great work for me heals him and he doesn’t hold his feet to fire and say now you owe me Right now you owe me because that’s not who Jesus is.

Our love is always a choice. God doesn’t force us to love him because if you’re forced to love, it’s not true love. It’s not really love if you’re made to do something. That’s servitude, right? You’re forced to do something. You’re forced to like me, to be around me. Jesus doesn’t do that. He heals him. He looks at him and says, Go your way.

What is he saying there? The choice is yours. You’ve been healed. You’ve been helped. Go your way. The choice is yours on what you wanna do with that gift. And so what does this man do? It says immediately he received his sight and followed him on the way. You see, that’s the way this is supposed to happen.

We’re honest and we’re courageous, and we’re vulnerable about the things that we need Jesus to come to in our life. And when Jesus works through those things, and it’s not always miraculous, like, right? You may have something wrong with you that is never righted, right? Well, I love that scene in The Chosen with little James where he’s begging Jesus to heal him.

And he’s saying like, no, your particular, you know, uh, impediment. Is going to be a witness to other people sometimes that’s the way it is But there’s wounds in our lives that jesus heals every single day if we ask him to Those places of anger those places of unforgiveness those places of judgment those places of shame and disgust with ourselves Jesus will come into those and so he gives the man a choice go your way And what does the man do?

Because he’s received this healing and this great faith and his gratitude in that His way becomes jesus’s way You He doesn’t run off and go, woo, that was awesome, thank you, see you never, I’ll go back to my life. He chose to follow Jesus when Jesus gave him the freedom to do whatever he wanted to do with the gift that he had received.

Folks, this is the call in our lives. When we meet Jesus, It’s not just for us. Yes, we could revel in the in the meeting and in the friendship and the relationship and the growth That we’re going to continue to have with jesus But it’s not just meant for us. The relationship with christ is not a me and jesus running off in the tulips It’s not just me and him as some of our uh, protestant brothers and sisters can sometimes believe it is It’s a call to return to the body of christ to follow the way Right.

Jesus gives him a choice But because of the great gratitude of what had been done for him This man said what else can I do but give my life back And folks people ask me why I do this with my life Why I was on in so many different cities this week and on multiple planes getting home late at night at one point this week There were multiple days five six days where I’d had three hours of sleep and i’m not saying poor pity on me This is the life I chose and I love every minute of it, but jesus did something for me that I could not do for myself And I could not walk away and say thank you for the gift lord.

See you never So, the response when we receive the gift and the healing that we’re called to is then to want to go out and tell other people and bring them into the same opportunity that Jesus so gracefully, graciously, and mercifully gave us. Folks, that’s what I love about this. That’s what I love about this reading.

Because, you know what? It’s just amazing like sometimes we think that we’re going to be able to fix our own problems And this man sat there was able to do anything and he wrapped himself in that cloak and he was just sitting there in it Knowing he couldn’t do anything. But then jesus comes along and he has that faith.

He has that hope he has that courage He He has that call to vulnerability and honesty. He cries out. He won’t be stopped by anybody. The world or anybody. He doesn’t listen to You’ll be okay anymore. You’re fine. Just deal with it. That’s your lot in life. Just deal with it. Suck it up. Put your head down. Be a man.

Crap. He doesn’t deal with any of that. He says no. The hell with that. Throws off his cloak. Everything that had been keeping him bound. Everything that he’d been looking to for comfort. Like I said the things you may be self medicating with and he goes to jesus As profoundly as he can as courageously as he can and pope benedict the 16th has something to say about this I was reading a gospel reflection from regnum christi.

If you don’t have that app, you should download it It’s the legionaries of christ and my spiritual director is a legionary father. Jacob demont. Shout out to him He’s been on the show before but even the spiritual director at the john paul The second healing retreat I went to this week for the team. He was a legionary and he was amazing father brian in And it was just an invitation, uh, again today to sit with that, that beautiful community of priests.

And so in one of the, in the reflection, they quoted Pope Benedict, the 16th year, and he’s talking about this very thing about how we often think that we just need to, um, we need to. Reflect and not ask Jesus for his help. So maybe we can get out of our mess ourselves. But folks, if you’re like me, you find out you keep trying to do that and you’re digging a deeper and deeper hole.

You stay in the same rut. You spin your tires and you never get anywhere. Pope Benedict XVI says this, in our difficulties, problems, and temptations, we must not simply engage in a theoretical reflection from whence do they come But must react positively, invoking the Lord, maintaining a living contact with the Lord.

Beyond that, we must cry out the name of Jesus. Jesus, help me! And we may be sure that he listens to us, as he is near to those who seek him. Let us not be discouraged. Rather, let us run with ardor, and we too will reach life. Jesus, the Lord. Folks, this is what he’s saying. In our difficulties, in our problems, in our temptations, we’re not meant to just sit there and just introspect and be by ourselves and try to figure it out by ourselves.

We’re never going to be successful in that way. We’re always supposed to call out to the Lord in everything, in gratitude for the blessings, but also in cries of mercy for the times that we need him and in healing. That’s what he’s saying here. We’re not supposed to simply engage in theoretical, theoretical reflection.

Right? But we must react positively. What is positively? By invoking the Lord, maintaining a living contact with the Lord, a living relationship that we grow each and every day through prayer, through the liturgical life, through scriptures, just like we’re doing right now. There would not be an episode if I hadn’t taken time out of my life to go to Mass, to read the readings, and to go back and sit and reflect on them.

But he says beyond that we have to cry out to Jesus, Jesus help me. We have to throw away this notion that asking Jesus to help us is wrong, that it’s selfish, that it’s greedy. If we’re asking for the true things that we need, things that we struggle with that we cannot heal ourselves, then you are well within your right and you’re invited by Jesus Christ to seek and find.

To ask and it’ll be given you to knock and watch the door open That’s what he wants of us But we only understand that if we have a relationship with christ, we’re not only as he is lord He is friend Which of us wouldn’t go to a friend and ask for something if we were in need if it was a true friend that we knew Truly loved us and cared about us.

Well, we should have no greater friend in our lives than jesus christ I hope that If you’ve gotten anything out of this show and out of your knowledge of me and the times that we’ve had together on this Through this 301st episode And all the other ones that came before the missions or the talks or the the interviews or any of that stuff You know that I the one of the most important things to me is a real relationship with Jesus Christ If we don’t know him We don’t know that he wants to come in and he’s waiting for us to invite him into the problems in our life We cannot fix ourselves.

There is one person and like blind bar made his came Brian bar made his came to know I got to throw off the things that bind me. I got to throw off the ropes I’ve tied myself with i’ve got to be done with these things I’m self medicating with and i’ve got to go out there. I’ve got to step on a Off a ledge i’ve got to go out on a limb and just reach out and cry for jesus and pray with my faith Be courageous be honest and vulnerable and know that he’s going to answer that call Brothers and sisters, if you’re sick of spinning your wheels, if you want to know how to start all the healing that you’ve heard me talk about, or Dr.

Bob talk about, or all the other people I’ve had on here that talk about healing, how to start that, you do it just like Bartimaeus. You don’t listen to anybody tell you that you don’t have a right to ask for healing. You don’t listen to people tell you you’re going to be fine. You don’t listen to people tell you to suck it up and to just deal with it.

You go to jesus because he waits for you there in the confessional in the eucharist And communities of your brothers and sisters in the scriptures in prayer in the liturgical life of the church He longs to meet you. He sits there waiting for you. So the question is are you going to sit there and be silenced?

Are you going to continue to cover yourself in that cloak? Are you going to continue to self medicate? Are you going to finally give jesus a chance to do what he wants to do in your life? And have the courage to ask him for it Jesus, have mercy on me. Master, I just want to see. I just want to be healed.

That’s the challenge today. That’s the challenge today. Do I believe in the fact that Jesus can do these things and he wishes to do them for me? And if you don’t believe it in your soul, then have faith and let him show you that’s what he wants. My brothers and sisters, thank you for being with me for another episode of Just a Guy on the Pew.

If you find these things healing, if you find great help in this, please help us by becoming a monthly partner in the Pew. Help us do this so we can continue to help more and more people. We can continue to bring people on to help people. This is a great work of the church, right? Theology and all that stuff is great, but until we have healed, until we know that Jesus Christ wants to be our Lord and our friend, our brother, and he wants to come in and do the things that we can’t, we’re going to spin our wheels.

So help us help other people come to that realization. Thank you for your time. And let’s end this in prayer in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus. So often we feel like we have to sit in the mess of our lives, whether we’ve hurt ourselves or others have hurt us. We feel guilt.

We feel shame. We feel like we’re not good enough and we don’t deserve to be healed and that you don’t want to do for us what you have done for so many people. Oftentimes when we try, the world, the flesh, and the devil, they beat us back and they tell us you don’t deserve it and you don’t need to do that and you need to shove it down and you need to, to just, to be a man and to not need anybody or anything and Lord that is garbage.

You know that, and we know that. Lord, when we find ourselves in those places where we need healing, and we, we feel like we have to do it ourselves, remind us that you always wait for us. And the only thing that is a roadblock to that healing is ourselves. Lord, please help us to have great hope in you and great faith.

And even if we don’t feel it fully in our hearts, let us have the courage. The fortitude, the strength and the desire to be honest and vulnerable with you, to go and to pour our lives out to you and receive the healing that you so want to give us. Lord Jesus, be with us always and continue to show our yourself to us each and every day.

In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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