Dr. Bob Schuchts

December 17, 2020

Dr. Bob Schuchts

December 17, 2020

Grab a seat in the pew for this bonus episode with Dr. Bob Schuchts as we talk about healing, transformation, and the path to peace.

In today’s special bonus episode of “Just a Guy in the Pew,” we welcome the founder of the John Paul II Healing Center, Dr. Bob Schuchts. Dr. Bob says that men often push problems down to avoid dealing with struggles like marital conflicts and addictions. He explains how healing begins when we come to grips with our problems, ask Jesus for help, and open our hearts to His healing graces.

In this episode we discuss how:

– We don’t have to hit rock bottom to change, we need to build self-awareness

– Behind every disordered desire there is a holy desire

– With help from the Holy Spirit and supportive connections, we can be healed

– Dr. Bob’s prayer for healing will start us on the path to peace.


If you enjoy this episode, be sure to sign up as a Patron for access to our Patron-Exclusive interview. Dr. Bob and I dive deeper into our conversation, and you’ll get to learn a bunch more about this AWESOME man of God. You can become a Patron at: https://www.patreon.com/pewministries

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